Digital Youthwork

Exciting News: We’re Joining the Digital Systemic Project!

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the EU-funded Digital Systemic project, a groundbreaking initiative that brings together organizations from across Europe to innovate and elevate digital youth work.

By joining this project, we’re not only strengthening our collaboration with the Cities of Learning Network, but also contributing to creating multilingual resources, digital tools, and training opportunities for youth workers, educators, and policy makers worldwide.

Empowering Digital Strategies

This project empowers youth workers, policymakers, and community leaders to integrate digital strategies into their work, helping achieve vital youth policy goals. Through the platform that will be developed, you’ll gain access to cutting-edge tools, innovative methods, and tailored training opportunities to amplify your impact.

Share Your Best Practices

The first step in this project is to identify best practices for digital activities for young people in Curaçao. If you have an inspiring initiative or success story, we’d love to collaborate! Let’s join forces to promote and share resources through Cities of Learning platforms, newsletters, and social media.

Stay Connected

Stay tuned for updates, opportunities to participate in training sessions, and inspiring stories showcasing how this project is transforming digital youth work.

Let’s make a difference—one digital innovation at a time!

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