Innovation Hunt

The Innovation Hunt is the little sister of the Innovation Award. This time around, we are not asking the companies to apply with their successful innovations, but we are asking you!
So tell us about innovative ideas, inventions and innovations that you have experienced or heard about.
Welcome to CITI’s “Innovation Hunt”! Have you noticed or experienced an amazing innovation in Curaçao, or did you hear of an idea for an innovation? Please tell us about it!

Noticed a cool new app? – tell us about it.
Experienced a new service? – tell us about it.
Bought a new and locally made or designed product? – tell us about it.
Heard an innovative idea or solution for a problem in Curaçao? – tell us about it.

The “Innovation Hunt” is organized by the Curaçao Innovation & Technology Institute (CITI) with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Curaçao.

We are looking for amazing, cool, inspiring innovations, inventions and innovative ideas by ‘yu di korsou’ wherever they are in the world.

The “Innovation Hunt” is open year round – and is open to anyone. Anyone can submit an innovation.

We will put a spotlight on the most inspiring innovations throughout the year and during the Innovation Award Ceremony.

If you have additional questions don’t hesitate to contact us at or send an app at 599 9 738 6299.